Sunday, December 6, 2009


I love getting Feedback - especially if there is a Problem with your Apt. List

I hope that every complex I send you to is perfect, but I know that can't always be the case. Apartment complexes change. The neighborhood changes and the upkeep of the apartment is always improving or declining.

I referred a person to a nice complex and he didn't rent there because he saw a roach in the model. Not Good. I mean this is Texas and there are roaches all over and from time to time they will get in an apartment. Only a complex with a great exterminator is safe from these critters.

But the point is, my client told me the problem. I could then pass it along to the apartment manager and she could get it fixed.

Certainly if I've let you down I want a chance to fix the issue. I know the apartment want that as well.

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